
Embrace the Thrill of Hunting with a Crossbow!

The Ballista Bat is an excellent choice for small game hunting and for entertainment. If you want to have a fun time with friends and family or go hunting, for example, rabbits or bobcats, then the Ballista Bat will not disappoint you. And of course, bowfishing – even teenagers can do it with this crossbow!

The Ballista Bat Reverse, while remaining as convenient and compact as the regular Bat, provides you with more opportunities. It’s for big game hunting, such as boars, deer or bears at distances of up to 25-30 yards. More power, speed, and penetration if you need it!

The Ballista Megabat is your ultimate companion for big game hunting — from wild boars to deer and beyond. With a 330-pound draw weight and bolt speeds up to 420 fps, you get the power, accuracy, and penetration needed for serious pursuits. Add to that a quick-loading system, 4×32 scope, and comfortable 8.92-pound design, and you’ve got everything you need for successful hunts time after time!
Megabat Reverse takes long-range hunting to the next level with a 360-pound draw weight and lightning-fast 450 fps bolt speed. Its reverse-draw construction boosts power and balance while keeping the design compact (8.6” axle to axle when cocked). Equipped with a 4×32 scope and pull rod cocking system, this 9.28-pound powerhouse delivers truly unmatched range, accuracy, and stopping force for the biggest game out there!

Crossbow Comparison

Crossbow Hunting - ballista bat crossbow


Crossbow Hunting - ballista bat l stock


Crossbow Hunting - ballista bat triangle stock 1


Crossbow Hunting - bat magazine


Crossbow Hunting - ballista reverse


Crossbow Hunting - ballista reverse with l stock

BAT Reverse

Crossbow Hunting - bat reverese triangle stock

BAT Reverse

Crossbow Hunting - bat with magazine

BAT Reverse

Crossbow Hunting - megabat


Crossbow Hunting - megabat reverse


Suitable forSuitable for small game hunting and bowfishing.Only for self-defense & practice.Suitable for small and big game hunting, as well as bowfishing.Only for self-defense & practice.Designed for big game hunting, not suitable for bowfishing.Ideal for long-range big game hunting, not suitable for bowfishing.
(updated on 2025)
300 fps340 fps420 fps450 fps
Draw weight
of bow limb
150 lbs150 lbs330 lbs360 lbs
Weight2.46 lbs3.2 lbs3.3 lbs3.1 lbs3 lbs3.9 lbs4 lbs3.44 lbs8.92 lbs9.28 lbs
Pull rod draw weight40 lbs50 lbs110 lbs120 lbs
Hunting distance recommendations (depends on many factors)Up to 20 yardsNot suitableUp to 30 yardsNot suitableUp to 45 yardsUp to 65 yards
Easy to use for individuals with reduced strength or physical limitationsHighly suitableHighly suitableNot suitableNot suitable
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Small Size, Big Impact: Crossbows Perfectly Suited for Short and Medium range!

For hunting at short and medium ranges, the Ballista BAT and Bat Reverse crossbows are the perfect choice. Despite their compact size (fits in a small backpack), these crossbows have enough power for hunting boar or deer. With precise shot placement at distances of up to 25 yards, these crossbows can be used for big game hunting from tree stands, saddles, or blinds. As for small game, you are practically unrestricted.

Crossbow Hunting - hunting crossbow
Crossbow Hunting - hunting crossbow usa

Embracing History: The Timeless Appeal of Crossbow Hunting

One of the main draws of crossbow hunting is the sense of connection it offers to our historical past. Crossbows have a long and storied history, dating back to ancient civilizations where they were used as effective hunting tools. Engaging in crossbow hunting today allows hunters to tap into this rich heritage and experience a form of hunting that has withstood the test of time.

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